Tuesday, May 29, 2007


May 29th-Handover date in Nigeria

In recent history, Nigerians have been overwhelmingly betrayed by those charged with addressing their needs. Instead of serving the people, public servants have served themselves to the detriment of the masses. The result is a nation lacking adequate infrastructure, organisation and security.

The ineffectiveness of Nigerian leaders indicates a lack of accountability to their constituents. Nigerians are no longer relevant to their leaders, thus, leaders do not feel responsible to them.

The recent failure to conduct a free and fair electoral process was yet another illustration that the needs of the many are secondary to the wants of the important few.
From this day, all Nigerians are responsible for the future of this great & powerful country. Consequently, all Nigerians must commit themselves to the following:

1. We must demand that elected officials be held accountable for their actions and in-actions.
2. We must expect democratic principles to be honoured, respected and maintained.
3. We must believe that all Nigerians are equal under the law and should be treated as such.
4. We must apply ourselves to improving the lot of every individual Nigerian regardless of gender, religion, tribe or social status.
5. We must strive to maintain a united republic despite our differences.

Only upon achieving these principles can we as a people fully live up to our potential as a land of greatness. For ours is a country renowned for its illustrious people, ample resources and sheer physical beauty.

N.B.This is our voice being heard-the post is part of Solomonsydelle's movement to raise awareness about the "democracy" issues in Nigeria
It seems the bbc news website noticed the proclamation...

1 comment:

shhhh said...

spot on sista